Wednesday, July 24, 2013

7/24/13 Reflection

My first response to G's presentation is "Wow!"
He makes it clear that there is so much out there for us to use, it's overwhelming.
I need to to take a sabbatical to have enough time to learn it all.
I want to take my tech teacher over to Raleigh Hills to see how it all works. She does some pretty amazing things, and I think what G is doing will blow her mind.

I had set up Google /Docs a couple of years ago to be able to work with an itinerant School Psych, and I  was shocked to see I had several things in my Drive!

I think my re-exposure to this system answers my question about whether my principal and I can have ongoing communication about discipline and staffing issues without having to schedule daily face-time. We can share a document that can be an on-going conversation - and a reference if we need to document an interaction at the same time.

Between Google capabilities, diigolet tools, TED talks with Jane Mcgonigal and Sugata Mitra, and playing with iMovie, my "free time" is occupied for the next several weeks!


  1. Take the sabbatical..oh yeah, we're public K-12 educators. We don't get those! (Wouldn't it be nice, though?) Glad you were inspired by today and hope it can translate into a local vision for your school in PPS.

  2. G's presentation was WOW! (he needs to teach a course at L&C)
    Like you I had forgot about using google docs a few years I realize the real power and will be implementing its use with my staff.

  3. Hey Rob,
    I went home and watched the rest of that TED talk with Sugata Mitra. Cool stuff! I think his ideas sound a lot like the Big Picture Model that Dennis Lyttkey championed a while back. I kind of wish that he would have jumped on board with that idea instead of inventing his own. Sometimes, I think this is one of our biggest problems in education. Everyone is proposing new solutions, but they are similar or the same as old solutions but with different names or acronyms. I know people need to get published, but so many people moving in their own directions can be detrimental to finding out what can work.
    Interesting ideas for sure. I hope to see them flourish.
    Thanks for your comments and friendship.

  4. I love your idea about using GoogleDocs as a venue for conversation in place of a scheduled meeting. I will DEFINITELY be keeping that idea in mind as I am working to schedule my life in a way that is more efficient!

    WOW was my thoughts on G's presentation, was the word "overwhelming!" I'm glad I have this blog to use as a reference or I would NEVER remember even half of what we were exposed to!
